Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Did you know?

Sunkist orange soda has 41 mg of caffeine, which is more than Coke and Pepsi! This is really great news, as I love orange soda find it (unfortunately) necessary to be awake at work - where we have Sunkist in the vending machine.

Also in caffeine news, Swiss Miss has powdered hot chocolate with as much caffeine as a cup of coffee! We can all finally stop pretending to like mochas.


k said...

great! now i need to figure out how much caffeine i need a day to be really productive! as of right now, i have not yet reach that amount :(

mwr said...

Hey now! A mocha with some orange zest is delicious!

CaseyMustPie said...

OMG what was that thing called that I got with you and zoh at that place with the turtles where i threw up and what was that place??

mwr said...

I don't know the name of the drink and the place closed down :(

eLs said...

I don't really like orange soda, but I'm pretty much on board with the hot chocolate.

k said...

why would anyone ever drink orange soda or hot chocolate when they could drink diet coke?